Are Some People More Likely to Develop Mesothelioma than Others?

mesotheliomaThere is a famous saying among lawyers who do mesothelioma cases that “asbestos does not respect a job title.”  Workers from all walks of life, pipe fitters, boiler makers, mill wrights, tin knockers, carpenters, roofers, electrical workers, bricklayers, steelworkers, ironworkers, mechanics and anyone who worked as a laborer in any job in a power house, chemical plant, steel mill or facility with furnaces and high heat systems is at risk for developing mesothelioma. Even people who worked around these industrial facilities such as secretaries and office workers have been known to develop mesothelioma, years after leaving their jobs.

What experience does the Segal & Amos, PLLC have in these cases?

There are several different types of cases which have been successfully brought by Segal & Amos, PLLC for people who never worked at an industrial facility or worked an industrial job a day in their life.  These cases have involved wives who washed their husband’s clothes, children who hugged their fathers when coming home from work or who would help mom shake the dust off of his overalls before they went into the laundry.  Also, looking way back 30 to 35 years, we have found a person who, although they were not currently working an industrial job, worked a summer job during college or medical school trying to make ends meet.  Although the exposure only occurred for one short summer, the mesothelioma developed 30 or 40 years later as a result of that short period of exposure. 

Segal & Amos, PLLC strives hard to figure out where and how each of our mesothelioma clients was exposed to asbestos. If you have suffered an injury due to asbestos exposure, please contact the Segal law Firm for a consultation. If you have more questions concerning the laws which apply to mesothelioma cases, please feel free to contact Scott Segal at the Segal & Amos, PLLC at 855-344-9100.