
Filing a Mesothelioma Case

When you get the mesothelioma diagnosis, your whole world is turned upside down. It may be difficult to process, but it’s incredibly important that you file your claim as soon as possible. Here in West Virginia, we have a very special procedure for victims and you need to find an experienced attorney, like Segal & Amos, PLLC, to help get you started. The sooner you file, the better. This way, you know you are protected and there’s no doubt you’ll get the help you deserve. So, where to start? In West Virginia, we have two judges who have dedicated themselves to trying mesothelioma cases multiple times a year, normally in groups of ten to twenty. We call this the exigent docket, but many workers call it the rocket docket because if you have an experienced lawyer who knows what they are doing, your case can get to trial in a year or two. As soon as your case is selected, it will be placed on a docket and we get what’s called an administrative order. All that means is we lawyers know how much time we have to get our answers and when specific scientific reports are due. The biggest […]

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Accident vs. Injury Lawyers: What’s the Difference?

If you are seeking the services of a lawyer, it may be confusing when you see lawyers who call themselves accident lawyers or injury lawyers, and you may wonder how they differentiate between the two.  In my opinion, there really is no difference and although lawyers may state they specialize in specific areas, what really counts is their experience.  You need to ask how many injury cases they have tried to a jury; or if they claim they are an accident lawyer, then exactly how many cases have they investigated, filed and resolved, either by mitigation, settlement or winning a case in a trial.  If they tell you that you will be their first one – run! For example, if you were in need of a doctor to perform a procedure, you would definitely want to know if they are experienced with that procedure, and it’s no different with lawyers, because your lawyer needs to be experienced with your specific type of case.  In the state of West Virginia, a lawyer cannot call himself a specialist; they can tell you their level of experience and the types of cases they have filed, discovered and tried, but they cannot tell you

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Regarding Coal Mining Deaths, What Rights do Family Members Have?

When you or your family have suffered the death of a family member due to a coal mining accident, there are two very important questions that your lawyer should obtain answers for on your behalf. First, and foremost, you deserve to know what exactly caused the death of your husband or your son or your family member.  Fortunately, in West Virginia both federal and state investigators have a duty to the family to answer this question and help you understand why this tragedy occurred.  Segal & Amos, PLLC has found through its years of experience that both federal and state investigators are very, very good at trying to find an answer to this question for you and your family.  However, sometimes this question requires a little patience before it can be accurately answered.  There may be dozens and dozens of witnesses to interview; machinery and equipment maintenance records need to be examined as well as mine maps and detailed engineering drawings.  However, my experience in these cases has shown that federal and state investigators are every bit as concerned as you and your family to uncover the truth. You and your family should be aware that under recent West Virginia

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How do I Locate an Experienced Lawyer in West Virginia?

If you need an experienced lawyer to handle your case due to personal injury or a wrongful death, the process is very similar to seeking a qualified medical doctor for an injury.  All of the following should be closely checked out and verified as accurately as possible: What kinds of cases are they experienced in handling? How long has the lawyer been in practice? What kind of reputation do they have in your community or outside your community? Do they have a website?  If so, take a look at the types of cases they have handled.  Are they complex cases and how long did they continue before settlement or jury verdict was reached? Do they have experience handling cases like your case? When you have selected two or three lawyers who appear to be qualified to handle your case, call them and set up a meeting.  Explain the details of your case and don’t hesitate to ask them if they actually have experience with a case like yours.  If they have real experience, they should demonstrate their knowledge, ability and willingness to take the necessary action needed to get justice for you and your family. Remember – the best lawyer

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Who are the Best Coal Mine Accident Attorneys in West Virginia?

If you have suffered an injury in either an underground coal mine or a surface coal mine, you likely are wanting to work with the best law firm possible to resolve your case and return a sense of peace back to your life. In cases of coal mine accidents, it is important that you and your family seek a lawyer who is experienced in these types of cases.  The lawyer should have a thorough understanding of both federal and state regulations and the differences in how they affect deep mining, underground mining and surface mining.  They should also know the rules such as those that affect the machines used in a surface mine and how well the people are trained who are responsible for your injury. At Segal & Amos, PLLC, we ask these questions every day.  A coal mining company might tell the government they have a mining plan and a roof bolting plan, but in reality they’re not following that plan.  They might also state they maintain their equipment, but when a lawyer looks in the right places, it becomes apparent that equipment was not being maintained pursuant to the manufacturer’s specifications, which resulted in someone getting injured. 

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What is Arbitration and How is it Used in West Virginia Court Systems?

Arbitration contracts are typically used between companies, corporations or insurance companies, although they do sometimes affect consumers.  They are mandatory contracts that take you out of the court system when you sign up for them.  Simply put, arbitration means you cannot file a lawsuit. You and your lawyer put together a list of people who can arbitrate your case; the opposing side also puts together a list, and both sides must agree on those arbitrators.  This list usually involves one to three people who are jointly selected by both sides. The next step involves a mini-trial where you can tell your side of the story to the arbitrator as well as offer your documents in support of your story.  The opposing side then tells their own side of the story at which time the arbitrator must decide which story everyone will be bound by. We at the Segal & Amos firm have found cases where people were unfortunately tricked into arbitration.  In these instances, we can often get you into court.  Arbitration is voluntary and must be an agreement that is knowingly made.  However, if you fully understand this process and agree to it, you will most likely be going

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Most Common Types of Workplace Injuries that Occur in West Virginia

West Virginia is heavily involved in the production of its natural resources and those resources include coal, oil, gas, heavy industry, electrical power houses, chemical factories, and steel mills.  Here at the Segal & Amos, PLLC, we often see the vast majority of injury cases stemming from employment in these industries. Mining is an inherently dangerous occupation, particularly when mining plans or safety rules are not followed by management, equipment fails or the mine itself fails, injuring multiple people.  Further problems can arise with untrained people who are placed improperly in both surface or deep mines. These same problems are seen in the natural oil and gas industries.  The Marcellus Shale is a very dangerous type of gas to extract because of the huge amount of pressure it is under when you are drilling on a rig.  People who perform this work must be trained very carefully with regard to co-workers’ safety as well as their own safety. Injuries are seen in both power and chemical plants where, once again, equipment is not properly maintained.  Management may be more interested in making money than in proper safety protocols and improperly trained people may be placed in jobs that require very

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What is the Average Contingency Fee for West Virginia Lawyers?

Whenever an individual is considering hiring a lawyer/firm for their case, one of their first questions typically has to do with Contingency Fee amounts, as this is a number that does vary from law firm to law firm. The average contingency fee for West Virginia lawyers generally ranges between a 33 and 40 percent, depending on the complexity of the case.  Contingency, of course, means you don’t have to pay the lawyer unless the lawyer wins the case, either at a jury trial or through a settlement, depending upon what you as the client prefer. Some clients prefer settlements; other clients prefer to go to trial, which is something we at the Segal & Amos, PLLC always discuss with our clients so they make the best decision. The contingency is a percentage and at our firm, in some very simple cases where the case resolves actually before a lawsuit has to be filed, we will even sometimes reduce the contingency fee to as little as 25 percent, but as a general rule of thumb, most lawyers in our state charge between 33 and 40 percent as their contingent fee, and usually costs are in addition to that—costs being things like

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The Difference Between West Virginia State and Federal Courts

West Virginia courts, what we call “state courts,” are not all that different than federal courts.  There are a few characteristics that are pretty different. First, the state courts (West Virginia courts) are in your home county’s seat.  In other words, the local courthouse, if you were hurt in your own county, is where your case would be tried. State Courts The state courts are throughout our state in each of the county seats and there is one or more judges who have been elected by the people in that county.  Some judges actually represent multiple counties, but they’re still elected by the citizens of those counties.  The jurors are all from that county where the courthouse sits, to try your case.  They come in, they receive an official document, but they will be from your home county. Federal Courts With regards to federal courts, federal court judges are appointed for life and they only sit in a few places in West Virginia.  We have the northern district Federal courts and the southern district Federal courts, so in the northern district, you could be in Elkins, you could be in Clarksburg or you could be over in Martinsburg or Wheeling,

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How Much Does a Lawsuit Cost in the State of West Virginia?

If you live in the state of West Virginia and are considering legal action, there is a good chance you’re concerned about the potential costs of a lawsuit. After having dealt with hundreds and hundreds of clients over the years here at Segal & Amos, PLLC, we can appreciate the question, and although the answer is “it depends,” here are a few things to consider: Lawsuits in West Virginia are handled in two ways: The fee is billed by the hour or most commonly, the quarter hour, for the actual time spent on your case. The fee is billed on a contingency basis. When people are injured and unable to work, medical bills can add up quickly as a result of financial straits.  Depending on the complexity of your case, Segal & Amos firm uses a Contingency Fee Contract which means you are charged a percentage of what we win in your case.  This fee is typically 30 to 40% and occasionally it might be a little as 25% if a case is settled quickly and easily. When your case is concluded, dependent upon whether it is a settled by jury trial or settlement, you will also be responsible for

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