Filing a Mesothelioma Case
When you get the mesothelioma diagnosis, your whole world is turned upside down. It may be difficult to process, but it’s incredibly important that you file your claim as soon as possible. Here in West Virginia, we have a very special procedure for victims and you need to find an experienced attorney, like Segal & Amos, PLLC, to help get you started. The sooner you file, the better. This way, you know you are protected and there’s no doubt you’ll get the help you deserve. So, where to start? In West Virginia, we have two judges who have dedicated themselves to trying mesothelioma cases multiple times a year, normally in groups of ten to twenty. We call this the exigent docket, but many workers call it the rocket docket because if you have an experienced lawyer who knows what they are doing, your case can get to trial in a year or two. As soon as your case is selected, it will be placed on a docket and we get what’s called an administrative order. All that means is we lawyers know how much time we have to get our answers and when specific scientific reports are due. The biggest […]
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