The diagnosis of mesothelioma can be a very complicated and tricky one. Segal & Amos, PLLC only uses three experts to confirm a diagnosis of mesothelioma. These experts, known as pathologists, have international and national reputations for being able to diagnose mesothelioma and understand its causes.
Who decides how fast mesothelioma cases are moved through the court system?
The Mass Litigation Panel (MLP), which is a group of judges appointed by our West Virginia Supreme Court, helps move mesothelioma cases through the court system as quickly as possible. Generally speaking, once the lung tissue has been obtained in order to confirm the diagnosis of mesothelioma, your case can be placed on a trial docket with a trial date within one year.
What happens when the diagnosis has been confirmed?
Once the diagnosis of mesothelioma has been confirmed, your cases will be set on a trial docket, hopefully within the same year as the confirmation occurs. The cases are prioritized based upon whether the person suffering from mesothelioma is still living. If so, those cases are scheduled to be tried first. If your loved one has recently passed away and the widow and family are in need of compensation to help support themselves, those cases receive the second highest priority. There are also situations where families have young children or adult disabled children, or widows who have serious circumstances which they face and need their cases tried sooner rather than later. The judges are always willing to listen to these special needs cases and try to get them on a trial docket as quickly as possible.
Segal & Amos, PLLC has been working on mesothelioma cases for over 25 years. We are very familiar with the many job locations where people have been exposed to asbestos which lead to their mesothelioma. We have at least one or more mesothelioma cases scheduled for trial every single time the judges are ready – four times a year – to try these cases. Because of our experience and so many trials involving mesothelioma, we are able to put the case together very quickly with the right national and internationally renowned experts so that the judges know that come trial day, Segal & Amos, PLLC is ready.
If you have suffered an injury due to asbestos exposure, please contact the Segal law Firm for a consultation. If you have more questions concerning the laws which apply to mesothelioma cases, please feel free to contact Scott Segal at the Segal & Amos, PLLC at 855-344-9100.