Question: How much does it cost to find out if I have a case?
Answer: The gas money to drive your car to Segal & Amos, PLLC.
And that’s assuming you don’t want me to come to you and visit at your house. That’s exactly what it will cost you to find out if we think you have a case. And if you aren’t physically able to meet in person, you can call me toll free. The advice I give you on the phone call is free and all the answers to all of your questions won’t cost you a penny.
We investigate lawsuits for people all the time and we do it at our own expense. If it turns out that you do have a case and you decide to hire us, we will draft a written contingency fee contract, which means we only get paid if we win your case. If there was cost during the investigation of your case, then we will get those costs back at the end.
Why sit around worrying and pulling out your hair? Call me or come by for a visit. We make great coffee here at Segal & Amos, PLLC. We’ll sit in our conference room and get to know each other. And like I said before, if you are physically unable, I’ll come to you.
You know, the other day I was sitting in my conference room with a young man who was an uncle to two little girls whose mother was recently killed. When I told him that he wouldn’t have to pay a dime to get their case started, you could almost see the burden lifting off of his chest. He realized that the law will protect his nieces and that he is not alone. Justice will be served. And, honestly, that was the best part of my day.
I’m happy to answer your questions and see if you have a case. I want to see that relief and that burden lift from your shoulders as well. Give me a call. Remember, it’s free. It won’t cost you a thing to find out if you have a case. Call Segal & Amos, PLLC at 855-344-9100.