Infant Crib and Bassinet Product Safety

Room of child with cribThe United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently reported that in the last decade there were some 700 deaths involving infants that were related to pillows and cushions in the baby sleep area.  It was announced that about half of infant crib deaths and a third of reported bassinet deaths are due to suffocation.

What can be done?

The CPSC has strong federal safety standards for safe cribs.  A safe crib is one that meets CPSC standards and is free of pillows, heavy quilts and blankets and toys. If you are purchasing a crib, make sure that it meets the new federal safety requirements. There include: (1) has no drop- sides; (2) contains anti-loosening devices on crib hardware to keep it from coming loose or falling off; and (3) has durable mattress supports.

Once you have a safe crib, an uncluttered sleeping space is best. Young infants can get their faces stuck in blankets, pillows, soft toy and bumper pads, resulting in suffocation.

What about bassinets?

Bassinets may also present dangers.  Before buying a bassinet, check the recall list at the CPSC site as there have been a number of recalls due to safety and design flaws.  Importantly, improper assembly of a bassinet can lead to baggy or collapsed sides with gaps that present a hazard for trapping a baby.

At The Segal Law Firm we work hard to protect people from unsafe products. If your baby or child has suffered injury due to unsafe cribs, bassinets, toys or other products, please call us. We will help identify the critical facts and evaluate whether a lawsuit is the way to seek justice.