I Have Leukemia and was Exposed to Benzene. Do I Have a Case?

Man wearing hard hat with clipboardMany people are only aware of the dangers of asbestos exposure in the workplace, but another chemical called Benzene is also one of the more common chemicals that can cause workers to suffer illness.

What is Benzene?

Benzene is widely used in the chemical industry to make various detergents, drugs, pesticides, plastics, resins, rubbers, dyes, and lubricants. Generally, you can be exposed to Benzene from either absorption through the skin or through inhalation. Workers in the petroleum industry and those in any industry where Benzene is used in the manufacturing process are at an increased risk of Benzene exposure and the associated health risks. Even exposure for short periods of time can put you at an increased risk a Benzene related illness, including cancer.

Some illnesses associated with Benzene exposure are:

  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
  • Aplastic Anemia
  • Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
  • Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
  • Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)

If you were exposed to Benzene years ago and you are now sick, your illness may be caused by your exposure to Benzene. Even if your exposure was decades before you were diagnosed with cancer, your illness may have been caused by your exposure to Benzene. Segal & Amos, PLLC works with many expert medical witnesses who can analyze your blood studies and determine whether or not your particular disorder or cancer was caused by your exposure to Benzene.

Who may be liable for my illness?

The United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have all recognized that Benzene is a carcinogen and have set permissible exposure limits in various workplace and environmental settings. Your employer has an obligation to protect you from both dermal (skin) and inhalation exposure to Benzene. The law imposes an obligation on your employer to provide you with a safe place to work. If your employer failed to provide you with the proper safety equipment when working around Benzene, then you may have a claim against your employer for failing to provide you with a safe place to work.

In addition, depending upon when your exposure took place, the manufacturers of the Benzene may be liable for damages. Investigation into your work history and exposure history to Benzene is a critical component in determining whether you have a claim against your employer or these Benzene manufacturers.

Have you been the victim of an illness caused by exposure to Benzene? If so, please contact Segal & Amos, PLLC today.