Some court cases take years to see the inside of a courtroom but with mesothelioma cases, things get sped up. The exigent docket or commonly referred to as the “rocket docket” is most unique and specific law that people need to be aware of. The docket basically allows mesothelioma people to get a trial within a year to two years of their diagnosis.
What determines When Cases Get on the Court Docket?
Basically, the case is handled by two judges – one handles one type of mesothelioma cases and the other handles all railroad mesothelioma cases. They each have dockets every few months where 20 cases are chosen for trial. The cases are prioritized by:
- Are they living mesothelioma? Highest Priority
- Deceased mesothelioma
- Lung Cancer – living
- Lung Cancer – deceased
There are some other variables the judges and the lawyers use, but generally speaking, these are the most important ones. Your lawyer gets you on a docket in a year, or six months or nine months, and you’re automatically under a court order that tells you what the time frames are.
What will be Required of Mesothelioma Clients?
Your lawyers, if they’re experienced, should know exactly what the judge is going to require of you, of your lawyers, what information they have to provide to the other side, and the process has created a streamline and get mesothelioma victims justice sooner rather than later.
If you’re considering a mesothelioma law case in West Virginia, you need someone who knows the law and the process in West Virginia. Contact the Segal & Amos, PLLC at 855-344-9100, or simply click on the contact tab at the top of the page.