Tractor Trailer Cases: What Qualities Does My Lawyer Need?

Some of the most tragic accidents on our roads occur between passenger vehicles and tractor trailers. These accidents often end in life-altering injury or death. If you’re going to go up against a big trucking company, you’ve got to find a lawyer who has the experience with these cases. Not only that, they’ll need the finances to back the case, knowledge of the investigative process, and compassion for you and your family.



One of the most important qualities your lawyer can have is experience. Tractor trailers are regulated by the federal government. And these are strict regulations. You need a lawyer who understands them completely. The rules affect the time that the driver’s allowed to drive the truck, how the truck has to be maintained, how it should be loaded, and everything in between.


Investigative Process

You need a lawyer who understands how to investigate tractor trailer cases. Sometimes it’s as simple as an intoxicated driver. Other times, it’s much more complex. The driver may not have had the proper training or the company may not have completed the background check required by law. You want someone who knows what to expect and where to look for evidence before it disappears.


Financial Strength

Can the law firm handle a case as complicated and expensive as yours without settling your case for something less than it’s worth? A lot of these trucking companies are very, very big. Many of them do business all over the country. You’ll definitely want to hire a lawyer who’s not afraid to take on a big case and spend some money to win. It’ll take world-renowned experts to prove your case, and those experts cost money. You want to make sure your law firm can handle those costs upfront.



Last but not least, I think the quality of compassion is very important. When someone is driving a vehicle and they’re hit by a tractor trailer, the impact is huge. The people that are in the passenger vehicle are usually very seriously hurt. They need to know that their attorney cares about them, and understands that they are worried about their medical bills, loss wages and how they’re going to put food on the table. This is probably the most significant single event that’s ever occurred in their life.


At Segal & Amos, PLLC, we can start your case off on the right track. Don’t hesitate to call and find out what makes us a law firm with all of these qualities. We’re available toll free to answer your questions at 855-344-9100.