How Soon Should I Call a Lawyer After My Coal Mining Accident?
How soon should you call Segal & Amos, PLLC after you’ve been seriously injured or a loved one has been killed in a coal mining accident? The answer is immediately. Any coalmine injury that is severe enough to cause a serious injury to a coal miner or death has to be reported to state and federal mine inspectors right away. The state and federal mine inspectors will look into the cause of the injury and the miner is entitled to know about that investigation and what it reveals. If you are a coalmine accident victim and don’t have a lawyer, you might be missing timely information that could protect you and your loved ones. We recently had a case where a coal miner knew to call us at Segal & Amos, PLLC. As it turns out, the coal mining company didn’t even report our client’s injury to the federal investigators, even though law required them to. Because he had called us in time, we were able to notify the inspectors, who then opened a new case to not only inspect the cause of injury, but to investigate why the accident hadn’t been reported in the first place. […]
How Soon Should I Call a Lawyer After My Coal Mining Accident? Read More »