The History of Mesothelioma Matters
Before you hire a lawyer for your mesothelioma case, you’ve got to know that he or she has intimate experience with the history of the disease. It’s critical to understand not only the history of the medicine and its causes, but also how, when, and where asbestos was used throughout history in a variety of different fields and products. How, When and Where? How was asbestos used? What was it used for? Who was it used by? And when did the companies using it know about the dangers associated with asbestos? Hundreds of different companies used asbestos for insulating pipe, boilers, and ships. They used it for building power houses, chemical factories, and doing electrical work. I could go on and on. Your lawyer has to know exactly where the asbestos was used. Your attorney also needs to understand the history of what the asbestos companies knew about their products when they were manufacturing them. Someone with the experience like I have in these cases will be able to explain to the jury how and why these tragedies have occurred from a historical basis. They can also explain why these companies did nothing to protect the workers form […]
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