Mesothelioma – The Cold Hard Facts
There are three major different types of asbestos in North America and it’s hotly debated whether one or all of them can cause a mesothelioma. Fiber size and all kinds of technical, scientific issues pop up in mesothelioma cases. Before you go to court, you need a lawyer with experience in the medicine and science of mesothelioma. It’s important that you have someone that has experience with the history of asbestos, because it was known a long, long, long time ago how dangerous asbestos was. You have got to win the case, explain to the jury the history of what was known and when it was known, to hold these companies liable. And you don’t just get to walk into the courtroom and say, “Hey, this is a meso case, give us a bunch of money.” You have to prove the history of why these products were used, and what the companies knew about how dangerous they where, what scientific material the company had available that the worker didn’t know about, and how they failed, year after year after year, to tell the workers this stuff is deadly. Make sure you have a lawyer who has experience actually trying a […]
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