West Virginia Electrical Accident Attorney
Have you sustained an Electrical injury?
Most people never expect to be injured by electricity. Yet electrical accidents are not that uncommon. An electrocution or an electrical burn can occur anywhere and are caused by a variety of factors. Many of these types of accidents are work related, due to construction materials and machinery being in place while work is taking place on electrical lines. Electrical accidents can also happen at home. Home accidents are normally due to faulty electrical wiring within the house itself, or defective appliances or tools. Injuries caused by an electrical accident can be quite severe and can cause brain and nerve damage, seizures, burns and even death. If you or a family member suffered from an electrocution, it is highly recommended you contact a West Virginia personal injury attorney to represent you.
Electrical Injury Attorney in West Virginia
Because electrical accidents almost always cause severe injury and commonly are fatal, it is crucial for you and your loved ones to obtain the service of a caring and compassionate attorney from Segal & Amos, PLLC to address your losses. Injuries following an electrical accident can leave a person unable to function well in life. There may be nerve and brain damage that causes permanent disability. All factors must be taken into consideration when presenting your claim, such as the cost of continued medical care, loss of earning potential, as well as pain and suffering. If the injury resulted in death, the family is entitled to compensation for the loss of their loved one, in addition to monetary compensation for loss of potential future earnings of the deceased.
The attorneys at our firm have the experience necessary to help you make a claim against an electrical equipment manufacturer or employer if you or a family member were the victim of an electrical injury.
For an experienced Electrical Injury attorney, Contact a West Virginia Attorney from Segal & Amos, PLLC.